Freelance AvailableFebruary 2025

Five And Done

Five & Done
Five & Done
Lead Front-End Developer
React SCSS WebGL
Live URL

When the cobbler's children finally get their new shoes

Five & Done is an ambitious creative agency that lives by the motto — "You shouldn't have to underpromise to overdeliver". They were undergoing their first complete rebrand and a brand new website. They wanted to push back against the status quo of interchangeable stoic black-and-white agency sites by embuing the site with a sense of playfulness and unique functionality that matched their personality. The site also needed to present their capabilities in a clear yet intriguing way. I set out to overdeliver on a bespoke creative website for a unique botique agency.

Managing your harshest critic, scope creep, and remembering your north star.

My key concern was making sure that Five & Done’s new website pleased both the internal stakeholders while also being usable and performant for potential clients. This meant balancing innovative features and well constrcucted code, with helpful microinteractions and keeping to the schedule.

Give it personality, and keep things moving

Personality was key for the website, every section was an opportunity to show Five & Done’s unique perspective and how it approaches problems differently than others. The contact form is one such example, taking notes from typeform but adding unique microinteractions and twists on functionality to make the experience easy to use, but also memorable.
With a big focus on animation to maintain the playful inviting vibe I leveraged Lottie extensively for the custom cursor states, the rocket ship back to top, and idle state easter eggs.

An invitation to look around and explore

The "5" was the hero of the site, and was used to tell a story of Five & Done on the home page, and as usual the agency had a unique way of getting users to explore: an ultrasound machine. Utilizing a combination of Lottie, canvas, and video I created the most interacted feature of the site. The movement and zoom had to be just right so the user would be motivated to continue exploring.
The website was awarded by The Communicator Awards for Visual Appeal - Aesthetic Excellence, Features - Animation, and Visual Appeal - Function.